Rental Method
We support rental by three types of methods.
- WrappedNFT
- ERC-4907
- Contract wallet
Wrapped Method

WrappedNFT is minted as a separate NFT from Original NFTs that are deposited by the lender. Even if NFTsâ smart contracts donât apply to rental, WrappedNFT can support rentals even after minting.
ERC4907 Method

ERC-4907 approve as the standard for a rental by emojiDAO. It defines roles separately for âownerâ and âuserâ.
Originally, when you use the NFTâs utility, dapps read the status of âownerâ, the holder.
But, in the case of ERC-4907, when the renter uses the NFTâs utility, dapps read the status of âuserâ, the renter. Thus, because the NFT isnât moved from âownerâ, to holder, the holder doesnât lose a chance to get an airdrop.
Contract WalletďźComing soonâŚďź

Contract wallets require no permission and correspondence. The renter can use Original NFT as it is. Of course, the risk of NFT theft minimizes.