
Conditions for rental support

Collection owners can set each condition for rentals to maintain the brand and operational strength of the community. Each condition that community owners can set is listed in the table below.
Token IDIf the rental target is limited to some NFTs, you can specify the token ID of the target. Unsigned means that all NFTs in the collection are eligible for rental.
Minimum PriceThe lowest price at which to lend. The value of 0 means that the market is free to trade. ex: 0.01ETH
Payment TokenTokens that can be used to pay rental fees. ex: ETH, DAI, USDC…
Min DurationThe number of days in a rental when the renter rents the shortest amount of time in a single rental. The value of 0 means that there is no limit on the shortest length of time. ex: 3days
Max DurationThe number of days in a rental when the renter rents the longest amount of time in a single rental. ex: 30days
Owner RoyaltyRoyalty Rate to Owner. Guaranteed royalty per rental day multiplied by the lowest price and owner royalty rate. ex: 5%